
Chemical Cleaning is carried out on newly constructed process piping and equipment to remove deposits like scale, loose rust, waxes, paraffin, oils, dirt or any other foreign materials that could result in operating problems after commissioning.

Lube Oil Flushing activity offers removal of contaminants like rust, loose scale, weld slag, sand, dirt from lubrication systems on newly installed rotating equipment. Synertek integrated skids are designed to carry out excellent lube oil flushing & chemical cleaning operations.

Hydrotesting of process piping is critical activity in any plant construction phase. Synertek offers integrated hydrotesting services with bolting & flange management.

Hydrojetting is operation involves cleaning of pipe internals with high pressure jetting operation. Hydro jetting or Aqua milling achieves high degree of cleanliness and protects piping systems from degradation.

Vacuum Drying helps drying of complex process systems in highly efficient manner. Synertek experts design the vacuum equipment spreads as per customer process piping/equipment and project requirements.

Nitrogen– Helium Leak Testing is a technique most widely used to detect any potential leaks in the newly constructed process systems & pipework. Integrity of the systems is checked by pressurizing the systems just below the design pressures and helium gas leakage is detected with mass spectrometer.